Faculty of nursing CMU


The Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University (FON CMU) International Relations Office will help all registered students (non-Thai student) with the visa process including; applying for the ED visa, the 1-year visa (visa extension), and address notification (24 hours notification). For the re-entry permit and 90-day check-ins, student must do these on their own at the immigration office. The contact persons who assist in preparing your visa paperwork or consult any visa problems are the following.

Ms. Pimpavee Chuaphoon (Nan)

Ms. Chiara Wuorenmaa (Chiara)

Mr. Tananwat Wongjai (Oat)

VISA Procedures

1 All international students must have an educational visa to study at the Faculty of Nursing (Non-Immigrant ED).

2 Visas will be valid from 90 days to 1 year depending on circumstance.

3 Required 90-day check-in for all 1-year visas.

4 Must apply for re-entry perits if leaving the country before the visa expires.

5 Must reapply for another 1-year visa before the current visa expires.

6 All international students must cancel the ED visa once they graduate.

How to Apply for ED visa

Step 1 : Receive the acceptance letter (scanned version) from FON CMU and confirm mailing address and location where the student will apply for the Thai visa. FON CMU will mail the acceptance letter and visa paperwork to the new student.

Step 2 : New student will apply for non-immigrant ED visa at the local Thai consulate or embassy.

Step 3 : Receive the visa and provide proof to FON CMU.

How to Apply for a 1-year visa (Visa extension)

Upon entering Thailand, your visa will be valid for 90 days only

Step 1 : Contact the visa supporting staff at the International Relations Office, 2nd floor, building 4, 45 days before the visa expiration date.

Step 2 : Once the required documents have been completed and submitted to the office, please allow at least 5 days for your paperwork to be completed.

Required documents to submit:
1. A copy of your passport face page, current visa stamp, last entry stamp, and departure card (TM6) if you arrived after 1 July 2022, you will not have this
2. A copy of the address notification (TM30).
3. A copy of your CMU student ID card (front and back).
4. An original copy of your CMU grade report.
5. A copy of the Notification of staying over 90 days sheet (TM47)

Step 3 : Once your paperwork is ready, the overseas student will need to take the paperwork to the Chiang Mai Immigration Office (Open Monday to Friday, 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-15.30).

How to 90-day Check-In

Every 90th day after you arrive in Thailand, you must go report yourself at the immigration office. Fill out the form “form for alien to notify of staying longer than 90 days (TM.47)” at the immigration office. There is no fee for the 90-day check-in.

- If you leave the country, your 90-day count will start over again.
- This can be done 7 days in advance but no later than 7 days after the due date. Note: If you do not report to the Chiang Mai Immigration Office within 7 days after the due date, you will be fined 2,000 baht. If you are arrested during this period, you will be fined 4,000 baht.

How to 24 Hour Notification

Every time that you arrive in Thailand, the overseas student needs to report themselves within 24 hours for address notification. All students living in the faculty dormitories must report themselves to the visa supporting staff (either Nan or Chiara). If you arrive on a Saturday or Sunday, send the digital copies by Line application and then come to the office on Monday to submit the hard copies. For the student living outside of faculty dormitories, please report to the landlord of your residence.

How to Re-Entry

All students must apply for a re-entry permit every time before you leave Thailand.

Important!! If you leave without a re-entry permit, your Non-Immigrant ED visa will be canceled upon departure, then you will need to apply for a new ED visa again.

Please apply for re-entry permits at the immigration office.

  • Types of re-entry permits

  • Single re-entry (1,000 baht, allowed to leave and re-enter Thailand one time)
  • Multiple re-entry (3,800 baht, allowed to leave and re-enter Thailand
    unlimited times before the expiration of the current visa)

Documents to download


Application for extension of temporary stay in the kingdom.

Dowload Now


Application for re-entry permit to return into the kingdom.

Dowload Now


Form for alien to notify of staying longer than 90 days.

Dowload Now


Permit of temporary stay in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Dowload Now

Visa Overstay

Acknowledgement of Penalties for a Visa Overstay.

Dowload Now

Chiang Mai Immigration Office

The office is located roughly 10 minutes from the Faculty of Nursing. It is located on the same road as the Airport and Central Airport Plaza Shopping Mall
Office Hours
- Open - 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday
- Closed - Saturday, Sunday, and Thai holidays

Know the public holidays!

Please visit the Chiang Mai Immigration website to check the upcoming holidays. Click: http://www.chiangmaiimm.com/th-th

Immigration Office & Office hour

Useful Information

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Cancel ED Visa & Overstay Info

Important Information

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1.Cancel ED visa (Box)

All students will need to cancel the ED visa once they graduate. This is very important and necessary to do before you leave Thailand. If you do not cancel your visa, you will be fined by the immigration office and cannot get into Thailand by ED visa again.

2.Overstay Information

Penalties for overstaying in Thailand  
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Alien Surrendered to Authorities  
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Alien Being Arrested and Prosecuted  
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